Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Phorum with (soon to be) Dr. Phil

This post announces a new feature to class, a new exercise to engage the brain and foster critical thinking. It may even leave your head spinning.
As a way to keep things fresh and interesting, we will periodically have an open forum--affectionately known as a phorum--a student-led discussion about any topic related to politics, culture, economics, society, religion, etc. When you lead a phorum, you pick the topic and lead the discussion. Each student will lead a discussion at least once per grading period.

The first "Phorum with (soon to be) Dr. Phil" will take place on Thursday, November 1. We will draw names in class tomorrow.

Here's how it will work: there will be two (maybe three) discussants per phorum, and (soon to be) Dr. Phil may be one of them. You will choose one article or essay for the entire class to read, and the discussant will come to class with 3-5 questions to keep the conversation moving. Each discussant will open with a brief commentary about why they chose the article or essay they did, and the floor will then be open. Since all members of class will have read the piece as well, discussion will soon follow.

Non-discussants are free to bring food and drinks to the phorum, although with the articles there will be plenty to sink our teeth into. Any way you slice it, when we stick a fork in the discussion, you will leave class with plenty to chew on. Even though this is a lot to swallow right now, there is no doubt that the topics discussants put on the table will stir some good debate.

At its best, I envision these phorums as a place with lively exchanges, passionate discussion, energetic reflection, and of course, humor.

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