Friday, January 16, 2009

Histoire Francaise

Terms to Consider:
Estates General
the Bastille
First and Second Estates
Third Estate
the National Assembly
the Tennis Court Oath
Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen
Olympe de Gouges
Civil Constitution of the Clergy
Committee of Public Safety
Maximilien Robespierre
Declaration of the Rights of Woman and the Female Citizen
Reign of Terror
the guillotine
Temple of Reason
Toussaint L’Ouverture
Napoleon Bonaparte
Italian and Egyptian campaigns
First Consul and Emperor
the Concordat
the Civil Code
Elba and Saint Helena
American Revolution
Declaration of Independence
France vs. Britain (18th century)
Print media in revolutionary North America and Europe
Seven Years’ War
Cahiers de doleances
Woman’s March
Republic of Virtue

Questions to Consider:
1. Discuss and explain the causes of the French Revolution. Do you think there is one cause is more important than others? Why or why not?

2. How was France changed by the revolutionary events of 1789-1792? Who benefited the most from these changes?

3. Why did the French Revolution enter a radical phase? What did the radical phase accomplish? What role did the Reign of Terror play in the Revolution?

4. Napoleon has been considered the greatest leaders of all time. Using examples from the text defend or refute this statement.

5. In what ways did the American Revolution inspire the French Revolution, and subsequently the Haitian Revolution?

6. Which revolution–American or French–has had the greatest influence during the last two centuries and why?

7. Discuss Napoleon’s rise to power, his government policies, both foreign and domestic,and evaluate the extent to which he championed the French Revolution or challenged its major claims.

8. In what ways do the Declaration of Independence and the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen relate?

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