Monday, December 10, 2007

Beginning of the End: Of Books, Coffee, and Final Exams

As you seek to put all the pieces together here at semester's end, some concluding thoughts.

For helpful last minute study tips, see this humorous post on final exams, or a funny bald guy's podcast (puns included). Most relevant for class, check out a master teacher's thoughts on Peter the Great and a keen comparative look at Descartes and Bacon.
If you fall asleep while studying, hopefully you can avoid this, no doubt a hot topic of discussion for phuture phorums.
[Photo credit here.]


Edward Carson said...

Advice # 9 and 10 seem to be the most popular with the final exams post. Good luck SBS students.

Hailie said...

Thank you so much! The podcast was delightful and the advice from Mr. Carson- invaluable! I sure hope my coffee pot does not burst into flames.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

that was really cool.
thanks for the post.
want to have lunch?
i thought the prayer was really neat.

i'm off to continue studying.
christmas is in 13 days!!!