As discussed on Friday, the summary assignment for the opening unit on globalization is an essay. We will work in the computer lab on Tuesday and Wednesday, with your paper due at the end of class on 9/3.
Here's the writing prompt:
Globalization is a term that many recognize, but it is a more difficult task to define and explain. The term emerged in the early 1960s, yet today "globalization" is seemingly synonymous with the 21st century.
Drawing from reading and discussion the last week and a half, this essay asks you to define globalization in your own terms, using a product, movement, moment, or person to illustrate your understanding of globalization. You will also want to address the ideas and writings of the theorists and thinkers of globalization we encountered (i.e., Friedman, Zakaria, Chomsky, and Chanda), discussing and analyzing the similarities and differences between each.
In short, your paper is an analytic and expository essay on globalization.
Your paper should be between 3-5 pages in length, 12-point font, Times New Roman, and double-spaced, with 1" margins. You are limited to one block quote if necessary, and cite any ideas not your own in MLA style. This paper requires you to include a works cited/bibliography. Rubric: Basic Requirements (10%); Argument/Analysis (70%), Use of Sources (20%).